The article analyzes the essence of the features and sources of the crisis associated with the coronavirus, examines the factors affecting the coronavirus crisis on the socio-economic situation, the system of social protection of the population in the countries of the emerging market economy, in particular Uzbekistan. The work comprehensively examines the state, development trends and problems of reforming the system of social protection of the population. The socio-economic consequences of the pandemic were studied in the form of a decrease in the rate of economic growth and the volume of remittances, the preservation of the volume and deterioration in the structure of foreign trade, imbalance in the balance of payments, a decrease in the volume of foreign investment, an increase in unemployment and poverty of the population. Scientific recommendations aimed at improving the system of social protection of the population and increasing its effectiveness are proposed.
Всемирный банк январь 2022г. https://www.vsemirnoybank.org/ru/publication/wdr2022 1
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